New Milestone For Hawaii Ocean News – Views Top Out at 1,400 Per Day

New Milestone For Hawaii Ocean News – Views Top Out at 1,400 Per Day

10 Countries/Hawaii/North America Account for an Average Daily Hit Rate of Nearly 300

The staff of Hawaii Ocean News (HON) is very proud to announce a new milestone in viewership.   While interest in our blog has steadily been increasing over the past year, the last couple of months have seen dramatic upticks in viewer interest.  Hawaii Ocean News is now visited by an average of 300 viewers per day, with occasional spikes as high as 1,400+ viewers per day. 

At the moment, HON has readership in ten countries, Hawaii, and throughout North America.

Our blog is based on the premise that the public may want unfiltered news affecting the ocean recreation environment.   We sense that grass-roots Hawaii may be tired of the well-rehearsed and professionally assembled press releases that have been designed, for decades, to keep people in the dark about what is really going on in the backrooms of the government that we elect, where decisions critical to our future are being made. 

We are particularly focused on the ocean recreation community.


From our ABOUT page:

Hawaii Ocean News (HON) is powered by a growing number of grassroots ocean lovers who are willing to share their experiences, concerns, passions, and ocean-related news with the rest of the community.   Writing for this site is completely voluntary.  We do monitor for accuracy and appropriateness of posts, but most definitely allow our contributors to speak out on issues that affect all of us.  This website is not monetized and we are not a commercial entity -- as in: we do not get paid to exist. We are strictly a voluntary community service.  We do not accept donations.  All website and other expenses are paid out-of-pocket by staff volunteers.

We are always looking for new contributors, so please contact us if you want to jump in and share your ocean story or concerns.

We are fortunate to have some very web savvy volunteers on the team who are making sure that the messages here reach people not only in Hawaii, but people in every corner of the globe.  Our SEO nerds on the team continually tweak our websites, media content, and social media presence so that search engines worldwide find us and get our messages out there.

The purpose of this site is to inform, entertain, and help bring about positive changes in the stewardship of our ocean environment as we move forward in the 21st century. We'd also like it to be a record of the decisions made by leadership that profoundly affected the people of Hawaii -- a kind of "In Perpetuity" website so that years from now, our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren can get a better idea about what happened to our community, why, and who was responsible, a kind of living history.

We are NOT politically motivated. No one in our group stands to benefit politically, or economically, from articles and opinions posted on this website.  We are NOT a political action committee.  We do NOT endorse any individual for any leadership position in the State of Hawaii.  Our purpose and only agenda is to clarify, for the public, objectively verifiable facts regarding the management and care of our ocean recreation environment.   The people of Hawaii have a right to know about what decisions are being made on their behalf, and why they are being made.  Our opinions, clearly labeled as such, are based on our continuous research.  We don't pull punches and we're not politically correct.  We name names, post photos and supply contact information about those who we feel are doing a good job of caring for our ocean recreation community, and about those who are not. 

We are constantly vigilant for SLAPP suits, or similar legal action designed to block our right to free speech, and warn that those who try to restrict our First Amendment right will find themselves pleading their case before a judge in Federal court.

Notice to all of our readers:  The idea behind our all-voluntary Hawaii Ocean News articles is to accurately inform the public about topics that are important to Hawaii's ocean recreation community. 

If, at any time, any of our readers find an inaccuracy in our reporting, we are prepared to investigate and then correct or retract (if necessary) any information that may not reflect good journalism.  We urge our readers to contact us with their concerns.

Please don't hesitate to contact us -- we won't bite, we promise.

A hui hou,
The Hawaii Ocean News (HON) staff.


Right at the moment we are asking that everyone in the Hawaii Ocean Recreation community please have a look at the petition below.  We believe that privatizing our public lands and assets is NOT a solution to incompetent management. Please see below.



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