Covid-19 cases in Hawaii may be closer to 6,000 according to scientists

Covid-19 cases in Hawaii may be closer to 6,000 according to scientists

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According to an article published by scientists on March 16, 2020, the actual number of Covid-19 cases in Hawaii may be up to ten times higher than what is being reported.  As of this writing, we’re being told by Hawaii media that there are 601 tested-positive Covid-19 cases.  The actual number of Covid-19 cases may be closer to 6,000.

It is very difficult to get tested for a Covid-19 infection.  Don’t be fooled by the promise of the convenience of so-called “drive-through testing”.  You must first meet the following criteria for testing:

Patients with minor colds who would normally manage their symptoms on their own but have concerns about COVID-19 are encouraged to call their doctor’s office or clinic first for medical advice.

If you are ill with a fever or cough and think you have been exposed to COVID-19 (e.g., you have had prolonged close contact with a person who has been tested for COVID-19 or confirmed to have COVID-19), contact your doctor to see if you need to be tested. Stay home and avoid contact with others, except for seeking medical care.

Aside from the heroic and ongoing response by our doctors, nurses and hospital staff, medical science itself has utterly failed us.   Medical science’s confusion about the very nature of the disease –- despite having access to the science of SARS CoV real-life epidemics in the recent past -- is unnerving.  Scientists seem to be heavily conflicted even about simple pandemic basics: how to protect yourself from infection; the social distancing suggestion is nothing more than extrapolated common sense. And medical scientists can’t even seem to get 'social distancing' right, advocating distancing somewhere between 6 feet all the way out to 25 feet, depending on which article you read and when.  The mask debacle, too, was a dangerous fail, with the Surgeon General himself, on February 29, 2020, emphatically imploring the public not to worry about wearing masks, while, in recent weeks, a complete reversal by medical scientists that suggests that masks should be required as part of the social distancing mandate -- complete confusion by those we depend on for real answers.

There is nothing new in all of this.  According to John Hopkins School of Medicine, “medical [science] errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States, after heart disease and cancer.”  Some estimates suggest that nearly a half-million people a year are killed by current medical science.

Aside from our hospital systems becoming overwhelmed by Covid-19 patients, the real challenge that doctors and nurses face is having to deal with the wonky underlying science that dictates their response.   Essentially, doctors and nurses are doing their best to administer palliative care –- not curative care –- and palliative methods often lead to an exacerbation of the root disease and its symptoms. 

Residents in Hawaii should, by all means, adhere to the most current version of the social distancing guidelines.  It is quite possible that someone close by, asymptomatic, is a carrier.  And while you may not show symptoms right away, you could become a carrier of this extreme contagion and subsequently cause the death of a loved one somewhere in our community.


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