. . . most of FIN committee members asleep at the wheel despite a flurry of articulate opposition testimony
Reps. Tam, Perruso, and Kobyashi highly skeptical of SB795, as Chair, Rep. Sylvia Luke recommends passage anyway as she and Vice Chair Ty J.K. Cullen appeared completely unprepared
Rep. Wildberger saw right through it . . . Rep. Sylvia Luke asleep
Representative Tina Wildberger, House District 11, gave her fellow legislators a clinic on the art of intelligent cross examination and in-depth analysis of suspicious measure proposals when she grilled DoBOR representative, Meghan Statts relentlessly about suspected inaccuracies in DoBOR's representation of their rationale for wanting to double, once again -- within a year and a half of a previous rate doubling -- rates for families that hold State of Hawaii Principal Habitation permits in the state's harbor system. Statts appeared visibly shaken and unprepared for this kind of questioning which led to her having to lie in answer to some questions or find circuitous answers to others. Rep. Wildberger saw right through it.
During comments, Rep. Wildberger concluded, ". . . I would want an audit of DoBOR before I would approve further increases . . . ."
During the final vote, Rep. Wildberger concluded: ". . . Thank you chair. I'll be in opposition to this measure due to the fact that DoBOR already raised rates -- doubled them -- just 2 years ago and I think we need their financial management to be examined prior to [suggesting] another raise that will price out middle-class boaters from access to our harbors. This measure takes the path of making our [public] harbors elitist and I don't think that that's really what we want to do here in Hawaii. Thank you."
SB795 is illegal, according to Hawaii State Constitution, Article 3, Section 14 and HRS 200-10
The very introduction of this legislation by the likes of Senator Moriwaki, whose pet agenda includes the privatization of the public's recreational small boat harbor system and DTL front man and privatization proponent, Senator Dela Cruz, was illegal, according to Hawaii's State Constitution, Article 3, Section 14. According to the constitution, bills cannot come before the legislature that have combined, dissimilar agendas. SB795's per-person tax rate for tourists who step on board commercial tour boats somehow got paired with a completely different agenda, an attempt to double rates for private principal habitation permit holder families; the two issues are unrelated, mutually exclusive issues that should never be packaged in the same proposed legislation.
The following is a list of your legislators who either chose to ignore Hawaii's State Constitution (Article 3, Section 14) and the illegal components in SB795 (in violation of HRS 200-10) as they were pointed out in testimony, or who have a wink-nod under-the-table private agenda for wanting to pass this measure . . . and we submit that these legislators are typical of the business-as-usual people who vote on legislation in what seems more and more like a dysfunctional State Legislature
Apparently, Hawaii's State Constitution means very little to Sens. Moriwaki, Dela Cruz, and the other legislators on our list below; or maybe they've got private wink-nod under-the-table agendas of there own? (Please feel free to contact any of these legislators, below, and ask them questions of your own. Just click on their link for contact info):
Rep. David A. Tarnas
Rep. Patrick Pihana Branco (Branco seemed paralyzed with confusion about this bill as he had no comments or questions in two separate committees and two separate hearings on this measure, despite all of the articulate and detailed opposition testimony)
Rep. Sonny Ganaden
Rep. Sam Satoru Kong
Rep. Dee Morikawa
Sen. Lorraine R. Inouye (Inouye had no comments or questions in two separate committees and two separate hearings on this measure, despite all of the articulate, detailed opposition testimony. We're wondering here if we aren't witnessing a case of functional illiteracy among our lawmakers?*)
Sen. Gilbert S.C. Keith-Agaran (Keith-Agaran had no comments or questions in two separate committees and two separate hearings on this measure, despite all of the articulate, detailed opposition testimony. Again, despite all those letters in his name, we're wondering here if we aren't witnessing a case of functional illiteracy among our lawmakers?*)
Sen. Kurt Fevella (Fevella's strategy seems to be "keep a low profile" as he had no comments or questions in two separate committees and two separate hearings on this measure despite all of the articulate and detailed opposition testimony)
Sen. Donovan M. Dela Cruz
Sen. J. Kalani English
Sen. Sharon Y. Moriwaki (There is a lot to suggest that Moriwaki might actually have a wink-nod financial interest in pushing this kind of legislation -- certainly there is historical precedent for her persistence in wanting to privatize the public's small boat recreational harbors, statewide.)
Sen. Dru Mamo Kanuha
Sen. Michelle N. Kidani
Sen. Brian T. Taniguchi
Sen. Glenn Wakai
Rep. Sylvia Luke
Rep. Ty J.K. Cullen
Rep. Stacelynn K.M. Eli
Rep. Daniel Holt
Rep. Greggor Ilagan
Rep. Lisa Marten
Rep. Scott Y. Nishimoto
Rep. Jackson D. Sayama
Rep. Kyle T. Yamashita
These above legislators deliberately ignored public testimony -- or may have a functional illiteracy issue* -- as they seemed to be unprepared to hear this measure; they clearly hadn't done their research on the background material that informs this bill or, alternatively, are just coasting to their next election event where they will again have a chance to tell their constituents about how much they're doing for the people of Hawaii.
*We are not attributing functional illiteracy for effect: according to The National Center for Adult Literacy, "50% of adults in America cannot read a book written at an eighth grade level." 50%. We submit that prospective legislators be required to take a literacy exam before being allowed to participate in the legislature.
It’s the kingdumb of the almighty white rich agenda with people of color in envy and denial of who they are deceiving…. mostly themselves! Privatization of Harbors to match the Gentrification of Property….. EVIL!