Hawaii’s “Public/Private Partnerships” are a LIE

Hawaii’s “Public/Private Partnerships” are a LIE

Privatizing publicly-owned assets for the convenience of Hawaii's bureaucracy is a heinous crime against the people of Hawaii

Hawaii's LAZY state bureaucrats unwilling to explore management options that would honor legally-established commitments to publicly-owned assets

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(Quick note to Anne Lopez, Hawaii’s latest version of Attorney General:  Hi Anne, Please don’t worry yourself over this. Defrauding the public in Hawaii has long ago become normalized.)


Privatizing publicly-owned land for the convenience of Hawaii's bureaucracy is a LIE . . .


Privatizing publicly-owned properties for the convenience of Hawaii's bureaucracy is a heinous crime against the people of Hawaii:

It is a blatant violation of the Public Trust Doctrine established in federal and state case law.

It is a blatant violation of the intent and purpose outlined in the Hobron family trust 

It is a blatant violation of the intent of the Kaiser Indenture and Deed and as such is a slap in the face to our ancestors who built the foundations for public trust in Hawaii.

It is a blatant admission by the state of Hawaii — and a warning to Hawaii's public — that the state's bureaucracy is wholly incapable of and unwilling to manage publicly held assets of any kind.

A "public/private partnership" is a subterfuge that is nothing more than the "sale" of publicly-owned land to a private entity for a 99 year period. Since profit is always the primary motive, willful abuse of the public's right to have their lands managed in a way that would maintain equitable access is assured.

Lawmakers like Sharon Moriwaki have consistently demonstrated a deliberate and suspicious unwillingness to explore other ways of managing publicly-owned properties such as hybrid inclusion of strategically-placed competent private services that would help manage public properties like the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor. 

Governor Green, Sharon Moriwaki and a number of other lawmakers now occupying seats in our legislature have been unwilling to form a task force comprised of individuals who truly do know the harbors environment in Hawaii, focusing instead on the convenience of handing over publicly-owned assets to pandering private corporations like Howard Hughes corporation and Hilton Hawaiian Corporation.

Current DOBOR Administrator, Megan Statts, has continuously lied to this legislature about the rationale and nature of this "public/private" subterfuge and should be removed from her position for having perjured herself to our lawmakers —and the public — on multiple previous occasions about this subject. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZyDNPu8XMc)


The staff at Hawaii Ocean News STRONGLY opposes SB 364, the legislature's latest attempt to privatize a publicly-owned harbor facility. We encourage Hawaii residents to stand up and fight this kind of willful abuse of the public's right to have their lands managed in a way that would maintain equitable access.

Hawaii Ocean News opposes any poorly-thought-through attempt by our state government to privatize ANY publicly-owned harbor facility in the State of Hawaii. There are viable management alternatives.

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Bill Wong
Bill Wong
1 month ago

How come we never hear from Waikiki district Adrian Tam. Adrian Tam has had a free ride courtesy of Hawaii’s taxpayers FOR YEARS! Never help the boaters there. Never help ANYONE there.

Peter savio
Peter savio
1 month ago

If the harbor is sold to the local residents who dock their boats or operate their business that is better the state mismanagement . Should not be sold to investor or developer but to the people who use it. Same with government rental. Using gs should not be owned by wealthy investors who use our poor as a funnel thru which our tax dollars and all the advantages and wealth of ownership flows to the wealthy out of state owner . Again rental buildings should be owned by the tenants . Keep the wealth and control in Hawai’i
If you have time please read my book

Hawaiis housing solution
Move to the mainland
60 years of failure
It must stop