78% of residents polled in new survey say TOURISTS NOT WELCOME to overrun Hawaii

78% of residents polled in new survey say TOURISTS NOT WELCOME to overrun Hawaii
The Pandemic has flushed out our governor, legislators, attorney general, lt. governor and robo-leaders of agencies like the DLNR and DoBOR, for who they really are and what they stand for

Poll respondents said that they want to see visitors tighly controlled

In a poll conducted by Anthology Research between April 16 and May 3, 78% of the approximately 700 respondents said that they want to see visitors charged entry fees and be made to make reservations to enter popular public parks and other frequently visited sites -- a clear indicator of just how uncomfortable Hawaii residents have become over visitors coming here. There was a poll margin of error of 3.7%.

In that same poll, a majority, 52%, said that they wanted tourist numbers limited.

This is the second such survey of Hawaii residents within the past six months that paints a very different picture to the one that Hawaii leaders want the outside world to believe.  At the same time that our part-time Lt. Governor, Josh Green, was telling us how great it was that tourists were again flooding our shores, the mainstream media in Hawaii was reporting the results of an OmniTrack survey where nearly 70% of our residents said that they were uncomfortable with another assault by tourist hordes.   Josh Green seems out of touch and a poster child for the kind of leadership that has turned our beautiful islands into one gigantic amusement park for the benefit of people who have no interest in -- nor take any responsibility for -- the damage that they are doing here.

The quiet during the Pandemic was a wake up call for residents.  Maybe it's not been a good idea to sell our soul for a buck.


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