Ten more dead . . .

Ten more dead . . .
. . . and there's apparently not a thing anyone can do to stop this government-engendered madness

Blangiardi's silly "Vaccine Pass" Covid response deliberately ignores the real reason for Hawaii's pandemic emergency: tourists are bringing in and spreading Delta variant infections among residents

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Hawaii's government operatives are not crisis management material

Working backwards over the past two months from today:  ten more people died of Covid-19 infections today (and thousands have become infected over the past week); dozens of State of Hawaii tenants will have their rents doubled next month and are marked for eviction; the senator who introduced and then helped pass recent legislation that will shortly result in still more homelessness (Sen. Sharon Moriwaki) got elected because she told her constituents that she was "concerned about homelessness"; and one of the largest agencies in our government, the DLNR, continues to fail to meet reasonable standards to prevent the further spread of Covid-19 -- especially the Delta variant --  around their office environments . . .

. . . and there's apparently not a thing anyone can do to stop this government-engendered madness.

Hawaii's government is made up of bureaucrats who were never prepared to preside over crisis management.  Now we have a crisis, people are getting infected, dying, being made homeless in the middle of a pandemic, and our community is having to experience social disruption at unprecedented levels. 

Rick Blangiardi, the mayor of Hawaii's largest city, has instituted a "Vaccine Card" mandate that will do absolutely nothing, according to the latest data, to slow the infection down.  Nothing.  What Blangiardi is banking on is that sometime just after his 60-day mandated Vaccine Card period, numbers will drop off naturally due to a combination of herd-like exposure/immunity and community awareness and, as a result, he will have created the illusion of his own heroism.  What will actually happen is nothing, except businesses in Honolulu will lose still more money and most of us will wake up to this latest deception far too late. 

The failure of the State of Hawaii and the City of Honolulu to properly test and screen incoming visitors and residents before they've been allowed to freely circulate in the community here, is causing needless suffering and death.  In any other first-world civilized society, this would be criminal. 

It may be time for the people of Hawaii to take responsibility for the management of their leadership. 

And because Hawaii's government is completely incapable of policing itself -- and has a history of ignoring public input -- for those of you who are strong enough and brave enough, the ONLY recourse is through the Federal court system.

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