Meet Senator Sharon Moriwaki — she stumped on the homelessness ticket and after she got elected she introduced and then voted to pass legislation that will create more homelessness — politics in Hawaii, you can’t make this s*** up

Meet Senator Sharon Moriwaki — she stumped on the homelessness ticket and after she got elected she introduced and then voted to pass legislation that will create more homelessness — politics in Hawaii, you can’t make this s*** up
Recently passed Senate Bill 795 will create still more homelessness in the state of Hawaii. SB 795 was the product of a back-door collusion between DoBOR administrator Ed Underwood and Sen. Sharon Moriwaki

Is Hawaii's government imploding?

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Recently passed Senate Bill 795 will create still more homelessness in the State of Hawaii, a state that already has the highest per-capita homeless rate in the nation. SB 795 was the product of a back-door collusion between DoBOR administrator Ed Underwood ("Hawaii's Slickest Con Man") and Waikiki District Senator Sharon Moriwaki.

Hawaii governor David Y Ige, who apparently does not read the legislation that he signs into law, seemed to channel Mad magazine's Alfred E Neuman as he blithely blessed SB795, last week. That SB795 was entirely illegal from top to bottom, unconstitutional,  would support state-sponsored fraud, and, of course, create still more homelessness in our state with the per-capita highest number of homeless in the United States, seemed to make no impression on our governor.

Moriwaki, a one-time condo board director, whose singular goal of late has been to privatize the public's lands and assets and hand them over to private multinational self-interests for their own use and profit, appeared over the moon with joy at the passing of her Senate Bill.

And if you are at all surprised by this, please don't be, because this is business as usual in Hawaii . . . every single day. That the people of Hawaii have been putting up with this for so long is truly astounding. I think that people in Hawaii feel powerless to do anything about the enormous harm to our community that those who are entrusted with leadership commit in the name of their own private agendas.

SB 795 was the canary in the mine — it was the litmus test, it was the big red flag that revealed exactly how business is done in our legislature and in the highest offices in our land.

Wake up Hawaii because this will not end well for your children and future generations.

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